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Violent Chaos

I’ve never seen the point in an emotional connection…

Madness runs in my blood or so my family history would suggest. For more than thirteen years, I’ve been driven by one quest. One desire. One goal. It’s about more than just DNA and legacy, it’s about a promise. One I swore I would never give up…

I never could have planned for her. For Lainey B. For how the girl who kept my secret became a woman who is truly my partner. I’ve been running alone for so long, I didn’t think I could be with someone.

She’s perfect for me.

She fits me.

I don’t even mind that she comes with attachments. They’re hers, that makes them mine too.

Now, someone has made a mistake. They’ve targeted what is ours—what is mine.

They have no idea the hell I will unleash.

But they are going to find out.

VIOLENT CHAOS is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is book five in a six book series that is a why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships. Release date may be moved up.

Savage Vandal

Emersyn Sharpe doesn’t belong in our world.

In fact, the very last place she should be is with us. But someone is hurting her. We’ve all seen it. We tried to ignore the warning signs. We tried to trust the people around her. We tried to believe in her world.

Too late.

When she nearly died in front of us, we had to act. We took her. She doesn’t belong in our world, but I’ll be damned if someone lays a finger on her under my watch. I’ll kill them first.

Now that she’s here…I don’t know if I can let her leave. I’m Jasper Horan, anyone who tries to take her will have to go through me and my boys. You’ve been warned.