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Genre: Romantic Suspense

Don’t Let Go

Don’t miss the epic conclusion to The Switchboard Duet.

I’ve existed only in the shadows. My only connections forged through the veil of a computer screen. I was their voice in the dark, their operator. I was their lifeline until the day my past tore into my present and they had to become mine.

Captured, subjected to torture and relentless interrogation, I survived long enough for them to find me.  I harbor no delusions; fleeing and disappearing again is not an option.

The only way to win is to fight. But to fight, you also have to be willing to risk everything. I was okay with that when the only one at risk was me.

Now, these three formidable men stand shoulder to shoulder, ready to wage war for me.  A thief. A mercenary. An assassin. I can’t bear the thought of losing them.

I can’t.

I won’t.

I have only one choice, one path, we take the offensive. We go out together and we don’t let go.

DON’T LET GO is book 2 of 2 in a DUET and is a full length dark thriller romance with multiple love interests and a heroine they love but have never seen. This is also a reverse harem novel, meaning the main female character does not have to choose. Of course, it also means the guys have to agree and well, that’s part of the journey. The author encourages you to always read the forewords in her books for more information.

Desperate Victory

Grandfather tried to prepare me for everything…

Yet, how could anyone prepare me for this?






The Royals have always been about blood. Blood lines, blood relations, and the spilling of blood. I didn’t ask for this war. I didn’t go looking for it.

But I will let nothing and no one keep me from the men I love and we will find what was taken from us. No one will ever steal from us again.

They say desperation makes for strange bedfellows, fortunately, the men in my bed are far more dangerous to everyone else.

It’s time for a change in leadership, one way or another, the Bay Ridge Royals are going down in flames. Once it’s all ashes—then we can rebuild.

DESPERATE VICTORY is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is book six in a six book series that is a why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships.

Violent Chaos

I’ve never seen the point in an emotional connection…

Madness runs in my blood or so my family history would suggest. For more than thirteen years, I’ve been driven by one quest. One desire. One goal. It’s about more than just DNA and legacy, it’s about a promise. One I swore I would never give up…

I never could have planned for her. For Lainey B. For how the girl who kept my secret became a woman who is truly my partner. I’ve been running alone for so long, I didn’t think I could be with someone.

She’s perfect for me.

She fits me.

I don’t even mind that she comes with attachments. They’re hers, that makes them mine too.

Now, someone has made a mistake. They’ve targeted what is ours—what is mine.

They have no idea the hell I will unleash.

But they are going to find out.

VIOLENT CHAOS is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is book five in a six book series that is a why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships. Release date may be moved up.


My name is Grace Degas Black.

Years ago, I made a splash during a charity fashion show where an agent “discovered” me. My work led to the glitzy world of haute couture, perfume ads, and more. I was living my best life, traveled the world, and the only thing that would have made it better was if my twin would have come along for the ride.

My other half. My best friend. Then one day, she disappeared.

No one believed me, but I couldn’t escape that sinking feeling of something being terribly wrong. Then the nightmare came for me. I woke up in the back of a truck.



Moved from one location to another, I could only struggle to survive amidst the suffocating fear. Then just as abruptly, salvation came from the most unexpected place. Salvation and retribution.

I wanted my sister back.

But my saviors had no intention of letting me go—not when someone continued to hunt me.

Was it me they were hunting? Or my sister?

I didn’t care what I had to do, but to find her, I would make the world burn. These men were going to help me, they just didn’t know it yet.

Deceptive Truce

Life has been a series of exquisite disasters…

Do you ever lie to yourself? I do. Making friends has been the cruelest choice I ever inflicted upon myself. I like to say I don’t regret it, and for the most part that’s true.

I resent it.

I despise him because he left me behind, following another battle in this war we’ve been waging. I thought we were partners, best friends, allies, and that he would always have my back as I’ve fought to have his.

I hate her because she’s perfection and everything he’s ever wanted, untouchable, brilliant, and capable. Yet, I want her too. Need her. Still, she gave herself to someone else.

Telling myself one taste would have to be enough, even when I knew it never could be, is just another deception I sold myself on this trail of disaster.

No matter what I do, I’m not enough for them, for my family, for this world we inhabit. Now—alliances are shifting, and our enemies are closing in.

I know the difference and I know I need to leave them to face it all on their own. That’s the choice I should make. That’s the choice I have to make.

Or at least, that’s the newest lie I tell myself.

Battle Lines

Violence chose me a long time ago…

Survival isn’t everything. I’ve fought to protect my family. I’ve bled for them, killed for them, and gone to jail for them. There is no fight I will not take on for them…  

I’ve been waging this war since I was seven years old. The only thing that’s changed is the battlefield itself.

For Mayhem, I’ll trade in the grime of the streets for the illusions of her shimmering world. Only all that glitter is hiding a well of sin and corruption that leaves blood in its wake. This isn’t my world, but I won’t be defeated by it.

I may have lost battles before, but I won’t lose this one. If that means I have to drown in darkness, then it’s a price I’m willing to pay.

BATTLE LINES is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is book two in a six book series that is a why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships.

Reckless Thief

The mentor.

The doctor.

The Vandal.

I grew up on the streets despite my  older sister’s best efforts to keep my nose clean. I thought I knew better. I worked hard. and made money. Who cared if what I did was a little illegal?

Then a little boy paid the price for my carelessness. A little boy and his baby sister. It was the wakeup call I needed, even if the cost came too high.

Rough choices made for rough outcomes and when I had the chance to join the military or go to jail to get straight, I went to the military.

I paid for my thoughtless actions by becoming deliberate.

I paid for my greed by offering service.

I paid for my chance at a better life with blood, sweat, and fire.

That service left me scarred but determined. Medical school and training taught me I could continue to serve.

I walked away from the streets, from the blood, the violence, and costs of doing business. Living a life I stole not once, but twice, I focused on helping, on protecting, and on healing.

Until she came back into my life.

I didn’t start this current war, but I will damn well end it.

My name is Mickey James. Little Bit is everything. I fought to stay away, and I’ll fight to keep. Our enemies are going to learn that my skill at healing broken bodies makes me damn talented at damaging them too. They drew blood, we’ll bury them.

Reckless Thief is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. The dark romance aspects of this tale continue. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is a why choose novel, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. This is book eight in the series.