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Publisher: Heather Long

Talk to Me

“Patch online…”

Five years ago, I disappeared from the life I had and built this one. I spend my days, and most of my nights, on the line helping my clients achieve their goals. They call me when they are in a jam or are getting ready to move on a target.

I’m their information specialist.

The woman in the chair.

I’m their switchboard.

Intelligence, electronic eyes, computer hacking—I do it all. My singular goal, bring my clients home safely. Some clients are more special than others. We all play favorites. I know them, they’ve never seen me.

No one sees me.

They can hear me. They can talk to me.

I will always answer.

Until the day I don’t.

Hellos and Happily Ever Afters

For my beautiful children, you love to hear the stories of how Mommy met your Daddy, Dad, Pop, and Papa. You love the funny stories about fighting that Daddy should never have told you or the stories about dancing that Papa teases me with or how Dad coaxed me into singing with him.  Pop says your favorite stories are the ones that tell you we are human, that we love, and have loved, and will always love you.

I get that. Family means security and safety. It means having people in your corner always. It means companions on the journey to chase your dreams and helping them achieve theirs.

Hello seems like such a simple word, my darlings. But every hello that led me to your fathers is also the beginning of the happily ever after we’re building every day. You’re a part of it, Izzy, Josh, Charlie and our new arrival. You are the continuation of the story, our work in progress—our happily ever after.

Are you ready to hear what happens next?   

Desperate Victory

Grandfather tried to prepare me for everything…

Yet, how could anyone prepare me for this?






The Royals have always been about blood. Blood lines, blood relations, and the spilling of blood. I didn’t ask for this war. I didn’t go looking for it.

But I will let nothing and no one keep me from the men I love and we will find what was taken from us. No one will ever steal from us again.

They say desperation makes for strange bedfellows, fortunately, the men in my bed are far more dangerous to everyone else.

It’s time for a change in leadership, one way or another, the Bay Ridge Royals are going down in flames. Once it’s all ashes—then we can rebuild.

DESPERATE VICTORY is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is book six in a six book series that is a why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships.

Violent Chaos

I’ve never seen the point in an emotional connection…

Madness runs in my blood or so my family history would suggest. For more than thirteen years, I’ve been driven by one quest. One desire. One goal. It’s about more than just DNA and legacy, it’s about a promise. One I swore I would never give up…

I never could have planned for her. For Lainey B. For how the girl who kept my secret became a woman who is truly my partner. I’ve been running alone for so long, I didn’t think I could be with someone.

She’s perfect for me.

She fits me.

I don’t even mind that she comes with attachments. They’re hers, that makes them mine too.

Now, someone has made a mistake. They’ve targeted what is ours—what is mine.

They have no idea the hell I will unleash.

But they are going to find out.

VIOLENT CHAOS is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is book five in a six book series that is a why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships. Release date may be moved up.


My name is Grace Degas Black.

Years ago, I made a splash during a charity fashion show where an agent “discovered” me. My work led to the glitzy world of haute couture, perfume ads, and more. I was living my best life, traveled the world, and the only thing that would have made it better was if my twin would have come along for the ride.

My other half. My best friend. Then one day, she disappeared.

No one believed me, but I couldn’t escape that sinking feeling of something being terribly wrong. Then the nightmare came for me. I woke up in the back of a truck.



Moved from one location to another, I could only struggle to survive amidst the suffocating fear. Then just as abruptly, salvation came from the most unexpected place. Salvation and retribution.

I wanted my sister back.

But my saviors had no intention of letting me go—not when someone continued to hunt me.

Was it me they were hunting? Or my sister?

I didn’t care what I had to do, but to find her, I would make the world burn. These men were going to help me, they just didn’t know it yet.

Wicked Surrender

Every moment of my life was planned out before birth…

Family legacy dictates everything from type of education to suitability of friends to eligible marriage opportunities to the type of business I’m expected to go pursue. It’s more than just DNA, it’s also about birth order, gender, and unfortunately—the family name.

I was born a Reed and the weight that carries isn’t limited to the doors that it opens, but also the ones it bars shut. When I was tapped for the Royals, I saw my first way out—but it only proved to be a deeper trap.

Every single move I’ve made has been to tear us all free from King, from our parents, from our families—but there is no way out. There is only through.
We can’t break away, we have to take over.

Lies, betrayal, family.

The only woman I’ve ever loved is a the center of the board, courted and pursued on all sides by new players and old. There can be no truce.

My best friend? He’s lost his damn mind, avoiding me, and agreeing to plans he swore had long since fallen by the wayside.

Yet here we are. He’s surrendered.

I refuse to accept that.

I refuse to accept it for her, for him, or for us.

If the only way out is to destroy everyone in our path—then that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

WICKED SURRENDER is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is book four in a six book series that is a why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships.

I’ll Be Home…

They say you can never go back…

‘Course, I never wanted to return. It took me years to age out. Once I made it, I took off and never turned around.

Trust me, there were only three reasons I managed to survive there as long as I did and they abandoned me as soon as they were able. I’d like to say I didn’t blame them, but that would be a lie.

I had zero desire to return. Yet here I was, on the road to Northland chasing a story cause my editor told me kids were disappearing… again.

It doesn’t matter what I want, I’m taking the fastest route to the darkest part of my past.

And then I’ll be home…

*Please note this is a reverse harem and the authors suggest you always read the foreword in their books. Contains some dark elements, mature situations, and is definitely intended for 18+. This is a standalone and if you’re very good, the elves might even bring it sooner than Christmas.

Deceptive Truce

Life has been a series of exquisite disasters…

Do you ever lie to yourself? I do. Making friends has been the cruelest choice I ever inflicted upon myself. I like to say I don’t regret it, and for the most part that’s true.

I resent it.

I despise him because he left me behind, following another battle in this war we’ve been waging. I thought we were partners, best friends, allies, and that he would always have my back as I’ve fought to have his.

I hate her because she’s perfection and everything he’s ever wanted, untouchable, brilliant, and capable. Yet, I want her too. Need her. Still, she gave herself to someone else.

Telling myself one taste would have to be enough, even when I knew it never could be, is just another deception I sold myself on this trail of disaster.

No matter what I do, I’m not enough for them, for my family, for this world we inhabit. Now—alliances are shifting, and our enemies are closing in.

I know the difference and I know I need to leave them to face it all on their own. That’s the choice I should make. That’s the choice I have to make.

Or at least, that’s the newest lie I tell myself.

Shamelessly Loyal

There’s a war brewing, and I’m right in the middle of it ready to crush anyone who gets in my way…

I was born into this world. Power and wealth are the keys to controlling it, but they aren’t everything. They are a means to an end when it comes to protecting the people I care about. 

I’ve known my destiny since I was old enough to sit at the table. Everything in my life has been focused on preparing me for the future. Know your enemies, your allies, and the people in the middle you can buy.  

When he first appeared in my life, I had no idea who he was, but I never forgot his pretty face. While it’s been years and I barely recognize him, I can’t get enough. He doesn’t belong in my world and he has no idea how truly dangerous it is. 

Turns out, I’ll do anything to save my best friend, cross any line, and destroy him if I have to…

SHAMELESSLY LOYAL was released previously as part of the Billionaires and Babes anthology for charity. While you do not have to read the 82nd Street Vandals to read this novella, it will enhance the experience. This novella takes place during books four and five. This novella serves as book one of six but all future books in the series are full-length and will include why choose with multiple new adults exploring and coming to terms with their evolving sexuality, identities, and relationships.

Money Shot

Kaitlin Crosse wields an extraordinary power over me. She pushes, dares, and drives me to the brink of madness. Ever since our paths intertwined, my obsession with her has been absolute and unyielding.

Every aspect of her calls out to me, yet the very thing I yearn for the most might be forever beyond my grasp. She resists my attempts to possess and protect her. She refuses my claims, asserting her fiercely independent nature.

That same, unwavering self-reliance only intensifies my attraction to her, and ignites a fierce desire to eradicate the pain in her eyes. Pain we inflicted upon her. Pain her father has inflicted. Pain that the world relentlessly imposes upon her.

I don’t want to share her with anyone. Not my brothers. Not her friends. Not the world.

But that’s not what Ace needs…

And I need her.

So I have to become what she needs, and that means working with my brothers, her closest friends, and her family. It means fighting to keep her safe when the whole world seems to want to tear her apart.

I won’t let that happen.

We won’t.

Kaitlin Crosse, my ace, my fixation, and my future.

*Please note this is a reverse harem and the author suggests you always read the foreword in her books. Contains some bullying elements, mature situations, and is recommended for 17+. This is book four of four in a series.