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Book Type: Novel

Party Crashers

From the moment I learned she was coming to our school, I had a gut feeling it would end in disaster. Out of all the schools in the world, why did Kaitlin Crosse have to choose ours? Her presence confused my brothers and created tension between them, but I soon realized my initial assumptions about her were completely wrong.

It was me who possessed the flaws of being wild, arrogant, selfish, inconsiderate, and foolish. My bad judgment call in the midst of the school’s scandal may have destroyed everything I wanted.

As the world tears Kaitlin apart, my brothers and I find ourselves trapped in a web of lies. Our mother despises her, and even our stepfather’s allegiance is uncertain. Kaitlin trusts no one, and who can blame her?

But I refuse to wait for her forgiveness or return. If I want her, I have to take action. Kaitlin needs me, and now, I know I need her too.

All of us do.

*Please note this is a reverse harem and the author suggests you always read the foreword in her books. Contains some bullying elements, mature situations, and is recommended for 17+. This is book three of four in a series and the story will continue through future books.

Reckless Thief

The mentor.

The doctor.

The Vandal.

I grew up on the streets despite my  older sister’s best efforts to keep my nose clean. I thought I knew better. I worked hard. and made money. Who cared if what I did was a little illegal?

Then a little boy paid the price for my carelessness. A little boy and his baby sister. It was the wakeup call I needed, even if the cost came too high.

Rough choices made for rough outcomes and when I had the chance to join the military or go to jail to get straight, I went to the military.

I paid for my thoughtless actions by becoming deliberate.

I paid for my greed by offering service.

I paid for my chance at a better life with blood, sweat, and fire.

That service left me scarred but determined. Medical school and training taught me I could continue to serve.

I walked away from the streets, from the blood, the violence, and costs of doing business. Living a life I stole not once, but twice, I focused on helping, on protecting, and on healing.

Until she came back into my life.

I didn’t start this current war, but I will damn well end it.

My name is Mickey James. Little Bit is everything. I fought to stay away, and I’ll fight to keep. Our enemies are going to learn that my skill at healing broken bodies makes me damn talented at damaging them too. They drew blood, we’ll bury them.

Reckless Thief is a full-length mature dark, new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. The dark romance aspects of this tale continue. Please be aware some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. Trigger warnings can be found in the foreword should you require them. This is a why choose novel, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. This is book eight in the series.

Mad Boys

The pop princess with her bright blue hair, pouty lips, haunting eyes, and the voice of a siren… She’s always been too  busy for us. Music seems to be the one language we both speak. 

It’s not enough. For her. For them. For anyone.

I’m not enough.

My brothers want her, the world owns her, and everyone else is vying for a piece of her.  At the end of the school year, she walked away and didn’t give us a second look. Discarding us like she had her father.

Now, I can’t decide what I want more—for her to come back or to never see her again.

*Please note this is a reverse harem and the author suggests you always read the foreword in her books. Contains some bullying elements, mature situations, and is recommended for 17+. This is book two of four in a series and the story will continue through future books.

Last Word

Kill them all

It was always me and Daddy, but now I have another family to protect.

From the day my father didn’t come home, my life changed irrevocably. From my earliest memories, I’d always known what I would do. Daddy hunted the monsters and when I was old enough, he let me help.

Under his tutelage, I trained, studied, and learned. I was his apprentice, his partner, and eventually, I grew up enough to strike out on my own. It was always the two of us. Sometimes we shared targets, but more often, he had his and I had mine.

I always thought we had no secrets, but my hunt uncovers more and more questions.

Then I met Rick, Fletcher, and eventually Cash. Rick shattered the loneliness around me and for him, I broke Daddy’s rules. Fletcher burrowed into my heart with his quirky mannerisms and vulnerability, and for him, I threw the rules out entirely. And Cash?

His relentless, damn near fearless pursuit turned everything I knew upside down all the while he filled in a hole in my defenses. For him, we’ve rewritten the rules entirely. They are my apprentices, my support, my team, and very quickly, they have become my partners in both life and business.

Most of all, they are mine.

I won’t stop hunting for those who took Daddy while I continue his work. But I won’t do it alone. And I won’t let anyone take Rick, Fletcher, or Cash from me.

No one.

Don’t touch what’s mine. They will fight for me and I will kill for them.

Problem Child

Enrollment begins this autumn.

Born into Hollywood royalty, I’ve been making the hot sheet and generating internet buzz since before I could even walk. Doesn’t matter that my parents divorced prior to my second birthday, I can’t escape the shadows—or scandals—of my movie star mother and my rock star father.

At least, I couldn’t until Aubrey, Yvette and I formed Torched and went double platinum as we made a name for ourselves. Four years after taking the world by storm, I’m exhausted. We all are. I’m also ready to try and be a regular kid. Only problem is I’ve never been normal. I don’t actually know what that feels like. Accepted into the prestigious Blue Ivy Prep, I have a lot to prove to the students, the faculty, our fans, but most of all to myself.

Despite my tabloid reputation or maybe because of it, I don’t intend for anything to get in my way. Especially not anyone who decided I’m an empty-headed pampered partying princess before I even showed up. If they want a fight, I’ll bring them a war.

*Please note this is a reverse harem and the author suggests you always read the foreword in her books. Contains some bullying elements, mature situations, and is recommended for 17+. This is book one of four in a series and the story will continue through future books.

Merciless Spy

The fierce twin.

The dark brother.

The wild one.

I don’t give a damn about labels. I never have. Not when it comes to me. But stay the hell away from my brothers. All of them. I’ve sacrificed a lot for them, and I’m more than willing to give a lot more. 

If my blood, sweat, tears, and life were needed, I’d give it all up. Every damn drop. For my brothers, there was nothing I wouldn’t lose.

Until her.

Reckless, ferocious, and seemingly born to match me in temperament and spirit, Hellspawn is not the fragile flower they all think she is. I don’t think she ever has been. She will not be left behind, she will not hide, and she will not take the crap that life has been throwing at her.

She’s saved our lives, defended us, fought for us, and sacrificed herself for us. I have no questions about what she would do if they tried to leverage us against her.  This is why I won’t allow anyone to put her to that test. She has nothing to prove to us.

She’s a Vandal.

My name is Liam O’Connell. Hellspawn is mine. Emersyn is ours. We aren’t going to wait around for the next attack. No, we’re taking the fight right to them.

Dangerous Renegade

The mute twin.

The strange brother.

The broken one.

I’d been called so many names over the years. None of them mattered. My mirror cared more than I did. But he never treated me as less. None of them did. My brothers were the Vandals. They didn’t always understand, but they never judged and they always had my back.

I would always have theirs.

They were my life until Starling came to us. Quiet. Hurt. Broken. Those words were tossed around along with stubborn, fierce, impossible, and beautiful. I’d studied her from afar for years, but to have her close changed everything.

Trust. Acceptance. Understanding.

She colored in all my missing pieces. My other half needed her too. We all did. She fought her way back to us, continues to fight to stay, and more she fights for us.

She belongs.

My name is Rome Cleary. Starling is ours. She has always been a part of us, even when she didn’t know our names. We will always come for our own.

Haunt Me

Recently divorced author MacKenzie Dillon has lost her writing mojo. When she inherits her great aunt’s haunted house in Virginia, she is determined to make a new start. The creepy old house provides inspiration but at what cost?

Successful architect and paranormal skeptic Justin Kent returns to Penny Hollow to fulfill his father’s dying wish of revitalizing their small town. To do that, he needs the allegedly haunted estate at Summerfield. Mac, the new owner, may be gorgeous and spunky, but she refuses to sell.

These two have a dangerous history that spans the ages, but will they discover the truth in time to save their lives?

Fast Forward

“In one and the same fire, clay grows hard and wax melts.” – Francis Bacon

Valda is finally free, but her secrets have revealed new puzzles. Hatch and Dirk have been taken. Worse, Oz seems to have abandoned them.

Now, with Andreas at her side, she will wage a war she never wanted to fight against an organization she knows nothing about to save the men she loves.

The answer everyone wants is housed within her mind. Now, if only Valda knew what the question is. No matter what, she will do whatever it takes to save them. They didn’t give up on her.

She will be damned if she will lose them now.

The epic conclusion to the Time Captive trilogy. Brace yourselves, it’s going to be a wild ride.


Valda is trapped, but far from alone. Andreas, Hatch, Oz, and Dirk are all fighting to stay at her side as they work their way through a puzzling prison. The greater struggle for Valda is rebuilding the trust between the five of them.

She doesn’t have their memories, but her guys have proved they’ll start over again as many times as needed. When Oz discovers they are on the clock, the pressure ramps. It will take every one of them working together to solve the riddling path to freedom. As they pull apart their lives to help her rebuild hers, Valda and her men will be tested.

If they succeed, no one can really tell her what waits on the other side. They’ll sacrifice everything to save her. Can she do any less?