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Don’t Miss Reckless Thief

April 11, 2023

Welcome to book eight of the 82nd Street Vandals series. If you have not read the first book, stop. Do not pass Go. Grab book one: Savage Vandal, and start there.

This is a series that really must be read in order.

Reckless Thief picks up immediately where we left off in Merciless Spy I can’t believe we’re here, the penultimate book in the 82nd Street Vandals series. So much to share with you, so I’m going to keep this letter short and sweet. We’ve actually got two releases this week, because if you haven’t grabbed it yet, you need to dash over to Amazon to get the Billionaires and Babes anthology.

This antho is released as part of the Ballgowns and Books Event in Sydney, Australia which kicks off in June. I’m so excited to be heading to the other side of the planet to meet readers, see a country I’ve loved from afar, and generally have a good time. This charity anthology featuring a selection of BABE 2023 attending authors is designed to give BABE attendees a brief introduction to these authors and their stories.

All stories within are brand new content, or otherwise unavailable anywhere else. They’re short stories, novellas, and prequels which don’t require any prior knowledge of the author or characters within. These stories are a broad range of romance, from high heat to closed door, and some will end on cliffhangers. All profit from the BABE 2023 Anthologies will benefit the Hawkesbury Helping Hands charity. These ebook editions will be withdrawn from sale in July and physical copies are only available at BABE 2023.

I can’t tell you how excited I am to be a part of it. Read all the way to the end to find out what novella of mine you can find in the anthology.

Don’t forget to grab Reckless Thief and don’t worry about that cliff at the end–Fierce Dancer, the final book of the series will be here before you know it.

Happy reading!


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