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Queen takes King, Desperate Victory and the Match

July 26, 2024

Today is the day,  the arrival of the epic finale in the Bay Ridge Royals series. It seems like just yesterday we were getting started and now we’re wrapping up this amazing story. From the day Lainey first appeared on the page in Vandals (Dirty Devil), I loved and admired her. She was so damn loyal and there was nothing she wouldn’t do for Em. Over the course of the Vandals series we got to know Adam, Ezra, Milo, and Bodhi.

These four men are at once absolutely nothing alike and don’t even seem like they would get along (in fact for huge portions they don’t), but they are all in love with the same woman. For her? They’ll do what they have to not only to protect her but to stay in her life.

I had no idea when I first started this how any of it would be possible. I didn’t know if Ezra’s chaotic bi energy would result in a relationship with Adam or heartbreak. I didn’t know if Milo would be able to accept other guys in her life. Frankly, I was almost positive I’d have to bind and gag Adam to get him to accept it. Then Bodhi walked in and let me know he was here too and… they figured it out.

The characters sorted it out themselves. This journey has been an amazing one and I can’t wait to share this final chapter. Be sure to check the afterword when  you’re done.

Thank you for being on this journey with me.



New Cover Reveal: Don’t Let Go

July 11, 2024

The clock is ticking for Patch, Remy, McQuade, and Locke. Following the wild events of Talk to Me, Patch and company will have to dig in deep, uncover secrets, and figure out how to trust each other in order to survive.  Don’t Let Go is currently scheduled for release at the end of September. I’d like to move it up to August once I finish the book, and we’re close. So with that in mind, here’s your first look at the cover.  Designed by Cat at TRC Designs, she captured exactly what I could “see” in my head.

If you like your romance with a heavy side of plot, suspense, spy thriller shenanigans, and action set pieces, pull up a chair, grab the first book and dig in.

I’ve existed only in the shadows. My only connections forged through the veil of a computer screen. I was their voice in the dark, their operator. I was their lifeline until the day my past tore into my present and they had to become mine.

Captured, subjected to torture and relentless interrogation, I survived long enough for them to find me. I harbor no delusions; fleeing and disappearing again is not an option.

The only way to win is to fight. But to fight, you also have to be willing to risk everything. I was okay with that when the only one at risk was me.

Now, these three formidable men stand shoulder to shoulder, ready to wage war for me. A thief. A mercenary. An assassin. I can’t bear the thought of losing them.

I can’t.

I won’t.

I have only one choice, one path, we take the offensive. We go out together and we don’t let go.


Now on Audio: Wicked Surrender

June 26, 2024

The fight for love, power, and control heats up for the Bay Ridge Royals.  Wicked Surrender, an enemies-to-lovers and dark romance, is now available on audio with the fantastic multi-cast narration from Brooke Daniels, Adam Gold, Noel Harrison, and Toby Scott with a guest appearance by Grayson Owens and produced by Audio Sorceress.


“Bodhi was a dangerous man. A very dangerous one. He was trouble, in so many ways. But he was also Phillip.”


If you’ve just discovered Bay Ridge Royals, you start with Shamelessly Loyal!  Bay Ridge Royals is a follow-up and spinoff of characters first introduced in 82nd Street Vandals. Fortunately, Vandals is complete and is also available on audio (and the audio is complete). So if you want to start with Vandals, head right over Savage Vandal.

Happy listening!



Gear up for a pulse-pounding thrill ride with Talk to Me

May 30, 2024

She’s their operator, their switchboard, their eyes in the sky and on the ground. She’s their lifeline. And when she goes missing, they become hers. Dive into the heart of the action and experience the rush of Talk to Me today.

I am so incredibly excited to share Talk to Me with you. These characters utterly consumed me. The Switchboard Duet was nowhere on my writing schedule this year until one day, it was just there, whispering in my ear. I could hear the characters coming to life. Not only were they “talking” to me, they wouldn’t shut up. I had to start writing as soon as possible so I could also work on other things. What the muse wants, sometimes, you have to let the muse get. This book demanded to be written. The next book in the duet, Don’t Let Go, is waiting patiently—so far. I imagine I’ll be elbows deep by the time you are reading this.

What I loved most about these characters was how their dialogue told me so much about them. How tied to each other they are. How involved. Also—just how many secrets they each have. I want to peel them apart, layer by layer, and get to know every aspect of them. Don’t miss the exciting adventure starting today!


Shaking my head, I clicked over to McQuade’s call. “Talk to me, big boy.” I put a little drawl on the endearment.

“No one else I’d rather talk to, sugar bear,” he fired back, snappy and sassy.

A snort of laughter escaped me. “You win.”

He chuckled. “Damn, you gave in almost too fast. There’s no fun if you don’t make me work for it.”

“Next time,” I promised, my cheeks aching from my smile. Thankfully, I hadn’t choked on my tea. “But that was a good one.”

“Well, since I won and you seem to like it so much, Sugar Bear, we’ll go with it.”

I rolled my eyes, but didn’t argue. After all, he had won. “So, what are we doing?” I managed a sip of my tea without inhaling it or spitting it over my keyboard. “Your request didn’t go into a lot of details—just, you needed to talk to me.”

“Can’t a guy want to talk to his sugar bear?”

“Keep it up, big boy,” I teased. “Sure, you can, but if we’re just gonna log in to play a game somewhere, I need to switch headphones.”

“Hmm… there’s something sexy about imagining you plowing through the bad guys in Fortnight.”

“I prefer Halo, though the new Fallout was pretty damn sexy too.”

“Sugar Bear, keep talking to me all gamer-like, it’s turning me on.”

The Ante is High, Don’t Miss the Desperate Victory Cover Reveal

May 28, 2024

Can you believe we’re here? It’s the final book in the Bay Ridge Royals saga. It feels crazy on so many levels to be here, and at the same time, I can’t wait to share the epic conclusion to the story of Lainey, Milo, Adam, Ezra, and Bodhi.

We will be setting a brand new release date as soon as the book is finalized, I’m still shooting for the end of June! In the meanwhile, be sure to check out the exclusive excerpt on the Desperate Victory page and don’t forget to pre-order today!

Grandfather tried to prepare me for everything…

Yet, how could anyone prepare me for this?






The Royals have always been about blood. Blood lines, blood relations, and the spilling of blood. I didn’t ask for this war. I didn’t go looking for it.

But I will let nothing and no one keep me from the men I love and we will find what was taken from us. No one will ever steal from us again.

They say desperation makes for strange bedfellows, fortunately, the men in my bed are far more dangerous to everyone else.

It’s time for a change in leadership, one way or another, the Bay Ridge Royals are going down in flames. Once it’s all ashes—then we can rebuild.

Your Book Boyfriends Are Back!

May 14, 2024

Today is the day,  the arrival of the penultimate book in the Bay Ridge Royals series. It’s both a thrill and a little nostalgic. How can we be so close to the end?
Then I remember, we met Milo, Adam, and Ezra all the way back in the beginning of Vandals. Lainey snuck in a few messages but actually walked onto the pages in present day in Dirty Devil the same book that brought us Bodhi.

If you add it all up, this book is more than thirteen books in the making. Thirteen is my favorite number!

Buckle up, hydrate, and get ready because it’s a wild ride from here to the very end.

Are you ready? They are.

Surprise Cover Reveal: Talk to Me!

May 6, 2024

Nothing like a Monday pick-me-up via a surprise cover reveal for book 1 of The Switchboard Duet.  Talk to Me is currently scheduled for release at the end of June. I’d like to move it up to May, and we’re close. So with that in mind, here’s your first look at the cover.  Designed by Cat at TRC Designs, she captured exactly what I could “see” in my head.

Do you love suspense, romance, and spy thriller-esque shenanigans? Then this is the duet for you.

“Patch online…”

Five years ago, I disappeared from the life I had and built this one. I spend my days, and most of my nights, on the line helping my clients achieve their goals. They call me when they are in a jam or are getting ready to move on a target.

I’m their information specialist.

The woman in the chair.

I’m their switchboard.

Intelligence, electronic eyes, computer hacking—I do it all. My singular goal, bring my clients home safely. Some clients are more special than others. We all play favorites. I know them, they’ve never seen me.

No one sees me.

They can hear me. They can talk to me.

I will always answer.

Until the day I don’t.

Frankie and the guys are back…

April 25, 2024

Today is the day! Frankie and the guys are the people.

Returning to the Untouchable world was like going home again, familiar, warm, and a hug I didn’t know I needed. At the same time, they were older, more experienced, settled into the bonds of their relationship in a way they probably couldn’t have ever imagined all those years ago.

Will this be the last book for them forever? I don’t know. Never say never. At the same time, we will see Frankie and the guys in Rachel’s series. We may see them pop up elsewhere.

The shouting. The chaos. The love. It was perfect. It is perfect.

I have also included every bonus scene for the rest of the books in the series. Some have introductions, some are self-explanatory, but so many of you reached out and wanted to be able to pick these up and have them on your kindle with the rest of the series.

As I said in the foreword of Farewells and Forever, Frankie and the guys have more than earned their happily ever after. Theirs will always be a work in progress

Happily ever after is never the end of the story, and this Hellos and Happily Ever Afters is exactly that. It’s the continuation of the big moments and the small.


Hello Trouble… Violent Chaos Cover Reveal

April 17, 2024

Serriously… Hello Trouble! There’s a reason Lainey gave Bodhi this nickname and in the upcoming Bay Ridge Royals installment, he more than proves why it fits him so well.

So with the cover reveal, we get a brand new release date of May 14th! Don’t forget to pre-order today!

Our cover artist Stephanie Heinritz from Vicious Desires Design has outdone herself and I can’t thank photographer Michelle Lancaster enough for finding the perfect Bodhi in model Morgan Waterhouse.

I’ve never seen the point in an emotional connection…

Madness runs in my blood or so my family history would suggest. For more than thirteen years, I’ve been driven by one quest. One desire. One goal. It’s about more than just DNA and legacy, it’s about a promise. One I swore I would never give up…

I never could have planned for her. For Lainey B. For how the girl who kept my secret became a woman who is truly my partner. I’ve been running alone for so long, I didn’t think I could be with someone.

She’s perfect for me.

She fits me.

I don’t even mind that she comes with attachments. They’re hers, that makes them mine too.

Now, someone has made a mistake. They’ve targeted what is ours—what is mine.

They have no idea the hell I will unleash.

But they are going to find out.

New on Audio: Deceptive Truce

March 27, 2024

Deceptive Truce, an enemies-to-lovers and dark romance, is now available on audio with the fantastic multi-cast narration from Brooke Daniels, Adam Gold, Noel Harrison and Toby Scott and produced by Audio Sorceress.

“Telling myself one taste would have to be enough even when I knew it never could be is just another deception I sold myself on this trail of disaster.”

If you’ve just discovered Bay Ridge Royals, you start with Shamelessly Loyal!  Bay Ridge Royals is a follow-up and spinoff of characters first introduced in 82nd Street Vandals. Fortunately, Vandals is complete and is also available on audio (and the audio is complete). So if you want to start with Vandals, head right over Savage Vandal.

Happy listening!

