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The Ante is High, Don’t Miss the Desperate Victory Cover Reveal

May 28, 2024

Can you believe we’re here? It’s the final book in the Bay Ridge Royals saga. It feels crazy on so many levels to be here, and at the same time, I can’t wait to share the epic conclusion to the story of Lainey, Milo, Adam, Ezra, and Bodhi.

We will be setting a brand new release date as soon as the book is finalized, I’m still shooting for the end of June! In the meanwhile, be sure to check out the exclusive excerpt on the Desperate Victory page and don’t forget to pre-order today!

Grandfather tried to prepare me for everything…

Yet, how could anyone prepare me for this?






The Royals have always been about blood. Blood lines, blood relations, and the spilling of blood. I didn’t ask for this war. I didn’t go looking for it.

But I will let nothing and no one keep me from the men I love and we will find what was taken from us. No one will ever steal from us again.

They say desperation makes for strange bedfellows, fortunately, the men in my bed are far more dangerous to everyone else.

It’s time for a change in leadership, one way or another, the Bay Ridge Royals are going down in flames. Once it’s all ashes—then we can rebuild.

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