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News & Updates

Problem Child Now Available on Audio

February 15, 2023

So stoked to share that Problem Child is now available on audio. You can get it on Audible and via Amazon. It will be showing up on the Apple Bookstore here shortly as well! Michelle Sparks is back as KC and the Torched girls, joined by JF Harding and Lucas Allen in the first of a four book series giving life to KC and the guys. Don’t miss a single moment.

Get a First Look Inside Mad Boys!

February 11, 2023

Are you ready to get a sneak peek inside the pages of Mad Boys?


“Just fix your tie,” Lachlan snapped at me. Mom hadn’t let us know they were coming. We probably wouldn’t have known if Ramsey hadn’t woken us up with the news. Now, he and Lachlan were both glaring at me to hurry up.

All I’d done was back-to-back exams, papers, and projects for the last three weeks. KC and I had nearly been paired on a project, but the teacher decided to make them individual. Probably better.

She hadn’t spoken to me since the day of the fight. She barely even looked at me. When she did—well it was like I wasn’t there. This morning, however, the music had been posted to my door with the lyrics added. I’d been sitting and reading it, trying to process when Ramsey showed up.

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You’re Not Ready: Mad Boys Cover Reveal is Here!

February 3, 2023

After months of anticipation, the cover for Mad Boys is here and my hat is off to Stephanie Heinritz from Vicious Desires Design, because this is just chef’s kiss. For those wondering, Jonas is featured on the cover.

The model is Joey La Grua by photographer Wander Aguiar.  So excited to share this cover with you as we count down the days until the release of Mad Boys (March 14, 2023)!  Are you ready for more of KC, Torched, and the Douchebags Three?


The pop princess with her bright blue hair, pouty lips, haunting eyes, and the voice of a siren… She’s always been too  busy for us. Music seems to be the one language we both speak. 

It’s not enough. For her. For them. For anyone.

I’m not enough.

My brothers want her, the world owns her, and everyone else is vying for a piece of her.  At the end of the school year, she walked away and didn’t give us a second look. Discarding us like she had her father.

Now, I can’t decide what I want more—for her to come back or to never see her again.

Your favorite Vandals are back! Grab Merciless Spy today!

January 17, 2023

Welcome to book seven of the 82nd Street Vandals series. If you have not read the first six, stop. Do not pass Go. Grab book one: Savage Vandal, and start there.


This is a series that really must be read in order.

Okay, back to my welcome. Merciless Spy picks up a short while after where we left off in Dangerous Renegade. Need a snapshot? Pour yourself a drink, grab a seat, and get caught up in the foreword.

Merciless Spy finds us with a war brewing and their journey far from over.

The seismic shifts that have rocked their lives are not over. Not by a long shot. Please remember that this is a dark romance and there are definitely triggering moments with regard to abuse, assault, violence, and addiction. Take care of yourself.

Also, this is the seventh book in a series. While there may be no specific happy endings at the end of each of these books, there will be one to the whole series, that I promise you. Some of these books will have cliffhangers, largely due to the size of the story, but the happy ending has to be earned.

Finally, I want to add one last note. Books are not written in a vacuum. Worlds are not created in silence. There were some deeply challenging moments as I worked on this book, and thanks to some of the most wonderfully supportive people and the best girl gang ever, I made it. We made it.

Happy reading.


New Release Date

December 14, 2022

I’m coming on behalf of Heather to let you know you will be getting a note from Amazon soon if you pre-ordered Merciless Spy that the release date has been pushed back again. The new release date is January 17th, 2023.

Heather has been working tirelessly to get this book finished in time but after talking this over, this was the best call. While Heather has been in the writing cave, she’s also been sick. This gives her body time to get better and then go in and wrap everything up to the level she wants it at. Extra time will ensure she can deliver the Vandals exactly as they deserve. This book has some pivotal and important moments she wont compromise on. Thank you so much for all the support and understanding!



PA to Heather Long

New Release! New Series! Problem Child is Here!

November 22, 2022


I am so excited to share a brand-new series with you! If you will indulge me for a moment, I wanted to take a minute to discuss a little history behind Problem Child. A little context, if you will.

If you’re reading this one for the triggers found in this book, go ahead and skip to the end of this letter where I will list them for you. If you don’t mind giving me a couple of minutes of your time, I’d like to share another story with you.

This story is the history behind Blue Ivy Prep, the concept of KC, and a young, talented woman named Harley (HarleyQuinnZaler on Facebook).

Harley was a devoted reader and a talented cover artist. During one of her pre-made sales, I grabbed a cover that just resonated with me. A girl in denim overalls, dancing like crazy, and her hair was teal. From the moment I saw that cover, KC aka Kaitlin Crosse was born.

Continue reading “New Release! New Series! Problem Child is Here!”

New Release Date

November 11, 2022

You are going to be getting a note from Amazon soon if you pre-ordered Merciless Spy that I moved the release date back 2 weeks from December 6 to December 20th. I was trying to not have to do this but between the move being stalled (thank you interest rates and trying to sell our house), living out of AirBNBs, and the kiddo’s wound opening again, I’m just a little swamped. I do not want to release something that isn’t the absolute best for you. That extra 2 weeks is gonna give me room to breathe, to write, and to edit.  Thank you so much for understanding!



Get Your First Look at Problem Child

October 31, 2022

The first chapter for Problem Child is now available. Be sure to check it out!  We’re counting down the days until release!

In other news, I’m heading to Florida this week for Shameless Book Conference. The signing is at the Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace on Saturday! Don’t be shy if you see me! I love meeting readers!

Holiday Card Signup

Members of my reader group know that I love to send out holiday cards each year. If you’re new, be sure to sign up for it. I will also send cards to international addresses. If you have filled it out in the last two years, and you haven’t moved, you don’t need to fill it out. If you have moved, just submit an updated address. I will be going by the most recent date for which one I send it to.

Also, if you haven’t joined my readers group on Facebook, now would be a great time because we have all kinds of holiday fun planned as well as live Q&As as well as bonus scenes and more!

First Chorus Now Available on Audio

October 20, 2022

First Chorus is now available on audio!  You can find it on Audible and via Amazon with it coming to the Apple Bookstore soon.  Kate Coakley and Adam Gold bring life to the Cardinal Sins characters. Don’t miss out on this deliciously captivating book on audio!

Brutal Fighter Now Available on Audio

October 18, 2022

So stoked to share that Brutal Fighter is now available on audio. You can get it on Audible and via Amazon. It will be showing up on the Apple Bookstore here shortly as well! Brooke Daniels, Noel Harrison, Toby Scott, and Adam Gold bring their A game as they give life to Emersyn and the Vandals. Don’t miss an exciting moment!