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We’ve got your Money Shot here! Don’t miss the cover reveal!

July 14, 2023

As hard as it is to believe, we have the cover for the fourth and final book in the Blue Ivy Prep series. While it feels like we just launched on this journey, we’re setting the “stage” for the final show. I am so excited to share this with you. My hat is off to Stephanie Heinritz from Vicious Desires Design once again for the loving attention to detail. KC was on Problem Child, Jonas was on Mad Boys, Ramsey was on Party Crashers, so who else would we have on Money Shot but Mr. Ninja Kisser himself: Lachlan Nash.

The model is Anthony Patamisi by photographer Michelle Lancaster. It’s hard to express how excited I am to share this cover with you!

The book releases on August 29th. Summer just hot hotter.


Kaitlin Crosse wields an extraordinary power over me. She pushes, dares, and drives me to the brink of madness. Ever since our paths intertwined, my obsession with her has been absolute and unyielding.

Every aspect of her calls out to me, yet the very thing I yearn for the most might be forever beyond my grasp. She resists my attempts to possess and protect her. She refuses my claims, asserting her fiercely independent nature.

That same, unwavering self-reliance only intensifies my attraction to her, and ignites a fierce desire to eradicate the pain in her eyes. Pain we inflicted upon her. Pain her father has inflicted. Pain that the world relentlessly imposes upon her.

I don’t want to share her with anyone. Not my brothers. Not her friends. Not the world.

But that’s not what Ace needs…

And I need her.

So I have to become what she needs, and that means working with my brothers, her closest friends, and her family. It means fighting to keep her safe when the whole world seems to want to tear her apart.

I won’t let that happen.

We won’t.

Kaitlin Crosse, my ace, my fixation, and my future.

What’s your flavor? Book Boyfriend Edition

June 27, 2023

Hot Professor, Ninja Kisser, Musical Muse…  Are you ready for Book 3 of Blue Ivy Prep? If you haven’t read Problem Child and Mad Boys, I would recommend pausing to grab those first as this series needs to be read in order.

I would like to offer up a correction for a mistake in Mad Boys. There is a mention that Pen’s eyes are exactly like KC’s. They are, but another point says that Pen’s eyes are brown. They are not supposed to be brown, they are supposed to be the same blue as KC’s. While I have submitted the corrections, they do not always reflect in previously sold material, so I wanted to own up to that oops here.

There is a brief recap included in the foreword for Party Crashers to remind you of what happened previously in the series along with triggers to be mindful of.

If you have read this far, thank you. Party Crashers is the third in a four book series following Kaitlin Crosse as she attends Blue Ivy Prep, an exclusive boarding, prep, and college school for the wealthy and the privileged.

In the meanwhile, enjoy this image of me with Chad Hurst, I got to meet him at BABE while I was in Australia. The model for Ramsey is a real doll! More news on the BABE trip coming soon.


Thank you again for taking a chance on this series, I can’t wait to hear what you think of KC and the douchebags three. Be sure to join us in my reader group on Facebook where we talk books, book loving, some spoilers, teasers for the future, and bonus scenes. The fourth and final book Money Shot, releases at the end of August.

Grab Your Tissues! The final 82nd Street Vandals book is here!

May 23, 2023

Fierce Dancer is the ninth and final book of the 82nd Street Vandals series. If you have not read the first eight, stop. Do not pass Go. Grab book one: Savage Vandal, and start there.


This is a series that really must be read in order.

Every series has a beginning, middle, and end. Some we can see coming, some ambush us. This one? This one came to life and flourished on its own. Some pieces were incredibly clear, others were a mystery—a genuine mystery—until I found out what happened right alongside the characters.

Did I know every twist and turn the story would take? Yes. And no. Some of it was organic, other pieces were guideposts, set into the bedrock. I knew when we reached them, we would be at turning points in the overall story.

Now… we’re here. The last book. So much went into the writing of this book, this whole series that it feels almost surreal to say this is the last one. From the first moment their story presented itself to me, I was lost in their world. Every dark and gritty moment has held me captive as the story unfolded. Now, with the war raging and the Vandals having lost so much, it’s time for Fierce Dancer, our final installment.

As we celebrate today’s release, I’m in Sydney, Australia. I spent all of last week in New Zealand, falling in love with that country and now I’m here in Oz, getting ready for BABE – the Ballgowns and Books Event in June.

So much to see, do, and research. That, however, is a tale for another day. Literally and figuratively. Be sure to scroll down for a few pics of my adventures as well as the first look at Party Crashers, we revealed the cover over the weekend. Book Three of Blue Ivy Prep will be released at the end of June.

Even as we celebrate the last chapter of the Vandals, we are diving on to the next chapter in KC’s life and we have the Bay Ridge Royals to look forward to. More on them soon.

For now, I want to thank you for reading. Thank you for rooting for the Vandals. Thank you for being so invested in their story.

I’ll see you on the flip side.



High Note Now Available on Audio

May 20, 2023

High Note is now available on audio!  You can find it on Audible and via Amazon with it coming to the Apple Bookstore soon.  Kate Coakley and Adam Gold bring life to the Cardinal Sins characters. Don’t miss out on this deliciously captivating book on audio!  What are listeners saying?

“Adam Gold outdid himself in this audio, his Fletcher is on fire.”

This is book three in the Cardinal Sins series, for book one, start with Kill Song.

Breaking: Party Crashers Cover is here

May 19, 2023

Are you ready for it? The cover for Party Crashers is here and my hat is off to Stephanie Heinritz from Vicious Desires Design once again for the loving attention to detail. KC was on Problem Child, Jonas was on Mad Boys, and for Party Crashers? Ramsey Malone is here to stay.

The model is Chad Hurst by photographer Michelle Lancaster. It’s hard to express how excited I am to share this cover with you as we count down the days until the release of the final 82nd Street Vandals book Fierce Dancer (May 23, 2023)!

Our countdown for Party Crashers is ongoing and the book will be released June 27th!  Are you ready for more of KC, Torched, and the Douchebags Three?


From the moment I learned she was coming to our school, I had a gut feeling it would end in disaster. Out of all the schools in the world, why did Kaitlin Crosse have to choose ours? Her presence confused my brothers and created tension between them, but I soon realized my initial assumptions about her were completely wrong.

It was me who possessed the flaws of being wild, arrogant, selfish, inconsiderate, and foolish. My bad judgment call in the midst of the school’s scandal may have destroyed everything I wanted.

As the world tears Kaitlin apart, my brothers and I find ourselves trapped in a web of lies. Our mother despises her, and even our stepfather’s allegiance is uncertain. Kaitlin trusts no one, and who can blame her?

But I refuse to wait for her forgiveness or return. If I want her, I have to take action. Kaitlin needs me, and now, I know I need her too.

All of us do.

Fierce Dancer Cover Reveal

April 14, 2023

It’s that time! 8 books, with the 9th right around the corner, almost a million words (and it will be a million when we’re done) and it’s time to share the cover for Fierce Dancer, the 9th and final book in the 82nd Street Vandals brings us full circle back to Emersyn. While Emersyn appears on the cover of the first book in the series, we do not see her face. We see the image everyone else sees. On Fierce Dancer, we see the woman she’s become, the survivor, with all the confidence and strength she’s demonstrated throughout the series. There might also be a surprise tattoo revealed on the cover.

I am, beyond excited to share this cover with you. The book itself is almost finished and it will be in your hands before you know it. Even as we prepare to say farewell to one series, another is waiting in the wings. Be sure to keep an eye out for more information on Battle Lines, releasing in September. And if you haven’t had a chance yet, pick up Billionaires and Babes, a charity anthology that will be available for a limited time. The anthology features Shamelessly Loyal, a 82nd Street Vandals/Bay Ridge Royals novella that takes place during Dirty Devil and Brutal Fighter.


Don’t Miss Reckless Thief

April 11, 2023

Welcome to book eight of the 82nd Street Vandals series. If you have not read the first book, stop. Do not pass Go. Grab book one: Savage Vandal, and start there.

This is a series that really must be read in order.

Reckless Thief picks up immediately where we left off in Merciless Spy I can’t believe we’re here, the penultimate book in the 82nd Street Vandals series. So much to share with you, so I’m going to keep this letter short and sweet. We’ve actually got two releases this week, because if you haven’t grabbed it yet, you need to dash over to Amazon to get the Billionaires and Babes anthology.

This antho is released as part of the Ballgowns and Books Event in Sydney, Australia which kicks off in June. I’m so excited to be heading to the other side of the planet to meet readers, see a country I’ve loved from afar, and generally have a good time. This charity anthology featuring a selection of BABE 2023 attending authors is designed to give BABE attendees a brief introduction to these authors and their stories.

All stories within are brand new content, or otherwise unavailable anywhere else. They’re short stories, novellas, and prequels which don’t require any prior knowledge of the author or characters within. These stories are a broad range of romance, from high heat to closed door, and some will end on cliffhangers. All profit from the BABE 2023 Anthologies will benefit the Hawkesbury Helping Hands charity. These ebook editions will be withdrawn from sale in July and physical copies are only available at BABE 2023.

I can’t tell you how excited I am to be a part of it. Read all the way to the end to find out what novella of mine you can find in the anthology.

Don’t forget to grab Reckless Thief and don’t worry about that cliff at the end–Fierce Dancer, the final book of the series will be here before you know it.

Happy reading!


New Vandals on Audio, Bonus Scenes and More

April 1, 2023

Merciless Spy, book 7 of the 82nd Street Vandals, is now available in audio. The multi-cast narration from Brooke Daniels, Noel Harrison, Toby Scott, and Adam Gold is chef’s kiss with how the bring the characters to life. With just two books left in the series after this one, don’t miss out on a single exciting moment.

This is a series that has to be read in order, Savage Vandal is book one.

New Bonus Scenes Available

As part of the review challenge, two new bonus scenes have been added to the site this month. “Soared” is a deleted scene for Vicious Rebel while “Blue Ace” offers an alternate PoV for a scene in Problem Child.

Mad Boys is Now Available! Grab Your Copy Today!

March 14, 2023

Welcome to book two of the Blue Ivy Prep series. If you have not read the first book, stop. Do not pass Go. Grab book one: Problem Child, and start there.

This is a series that really must be read in order.

Mad Boys picks up a short while after where we left off in Problem Child. While Problem Child was exclusively told from KC’s viewpoint (except for the prologue), this and future books in this series contain multiple points of view. Grab your favorite drink and get ready to dive back into the world of KC and the boys we so love to hate and hate to love.

Happy reading!


Doctor! Doctor! Gimme the News…

March 10, 2023

Are you ready for the cover reveal for the penultimate book in the 82nd Street Vandals? Can you believe we’re at the penultimate book already? In so many ways it feels like we just got started but here we are, as promised, we’re finally getting a good look at Mickey “Doc” James. He’s another character that walked into the story and settled in to stay. You gotta love these guys, at least I do.

Also a quick audio update for those of you waiting for Merciless Spy on audio, we have it back and it’s being proofed right now! So we’ll hopefully have it ready to upload very soon!