Grab Your Tissues! The final 82nd Street Vandals book is here!
May 23, 2023
Fierce Dancer is the ninth and final book of the 82nd Street Vandals series. If you have not read the first eight, stop. Do not pass Go. Grab book one: Savage Vandal, and start there.
This is a series that really must be read in order.
Every series has a beginning, middle, and end. Some we can see coming, some ambush us. This one? This one came to life and flourished on its own. Some pieces were incredibly clear, others were a mystery—a genuine mystery—until I found out what happened right alongside the characters.
Did I know every twist and turn the story would take? Yes. And no. Some of it was organic, other pieces were guideposts, set into the bedrock. I knew when we reached them, we would be at turning points in the overall story.
Now… we’re here. The last book. So much went into the writing of this book, this whole series that it feels almost surreal to say this is the last one. From the first moment their story presented itself to me, I was lost in their world. Every dark and gritty moment has held me captive as the story unfolded. Now, with the war raging and the Vandals having lost so much, it’s time for Fierce Dancer, our final installment.
As we celebrate today’s release, I’m in Sydney, Australia. I spent all of last week in New Zealand, falling in love with that country and now I’m here in Oz, getting ready for BABE – the Ballgowns and Books Event in June.
So much to see, do, and research. That, however, is a tale for another day. Literally and figuratively. Be sure to scroll down for a few pics of my adventures as well as the first look at Party Crashers, we revealed the cover over the weekend. Book Three of Blue Ivy Prep will be released at the end of June.
Even as we celebrate the last chapter of the Vandals, we are diving on to the next chapter in KC’s life and we have the Bay Ridge Royals to look forward to. More on them soon.
For now, I want to thank you for reading. Thank you for rooting for the Vandals. Thank you for being so invested in their story.
I’ll see you on the flip side.