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News & Updates

Fierce Dancer Now Available on Audio!

November 18, 2023

After a much anticipated wait, Fierce Dancer, the 9th and final book in the 82nd Street Vandals series is now available on audio. My hat is off to the entire team at Audio Sorceress for making this happen.

Noel, Brooke, Toby, and Adam are the literal best. Marnye Young and Denise Black are champions. Talk about a labor of love and art. Everyone needs to listen to these books, personally, I feel like it elevates the story. But I might be just a bit biased. *winks*

Also, lest I forget, a huge shoutout to Jeni Cook Wideman who devotes literal hours of her life to proofing these books. It really does take a village! I am very lucky to have such an amazing village. 

For everyone asking, yes, Bay Ridge Royals will be continuing in Audio as well with all our favorites from the 82nd Street Vandals back to reprise the roles they originated. So hold onto your socks, it’s going to be a gorgeous ride. If you’ve finished the 82nd Street Vandals, you can continue Lainey’s story in Shamelessly Loyal, book 1 of the Bay Ridge Royals.


Battle Lines are drawn! Bay Ridge Royals New Release

October 17, 2023

Our days are getting shorter here in the Pacific Northwest, the weather is cooler, and the leaves are changing colors and the Bay Ridge Royals are ready to set the world on fire. Battle Lines is book 2 in the six book series and it’s the first full-length novel. While book 1, Shamelessly Loyal was a novella that crossed over with the 82nd Street Vandals, you do not have to read that series to read this one.

Will it enhance the experience? Yes. Required? No. However, should you choose to continue without reading the Vandals, then you just have to be ready for some spoilers for that series. No matter what, this dark, rich world with all of its larger than life characters, secrets, and shenanigans are just waiting to be explored.

No lie, I am so seriously stoked to be here. I will have a story for you when the series is done, but Bay Ridge Royals has been in the planning stages since early 2021 and I am over the moon to be able to bring these characters into their own series.

Finally, the next book in the series, Deceptive Truce, is listed for a May 2024 release. Do not panic. I pushed it out to give myself some breathing room to write. When the book is complete, I will move the release date up. I typically release a book every three to four months, so don’t worry! I’ll keep you updated!

In the meanwhile, enjoy Lainey, Milo, Adam, Ezra, and a very special surprise in Battle Lines. I can’t wait to hear what you think.



Party Crashers Is NOW AVAILABLE on Audio!

September 29, 2023

Party Crashers is now available on audio!  So stoked to share this with all of you. You can find it on Audible and via Amazon with it coming to the Apple Bookstore soon.  Michelle Sparks, JF Harding, Lucas Allen bring the second Blue Ivy Prep book to life. Don’t miss out on the deliciousness that is Party Crashers on Audio.

This is book 3 in the Blue Ivy Prep series, for book one, start with Problem Child.  Book 4 is currently being recorded.

Cardinal Sins Now Complete in Audio as well!

September 20, 2023

Now complete in all formats, Cardinal Sins is ready for you… like dark romance, strong female heroine, and three guys who will do anything for her? Boy do I have the series for you.

With the release of Last Word on audio, we’re wrapping up the Cardinal Sins in audio. Writing this series was a real pleasure. Be mindful of triggers included in the series. Very much inspired by both our love of Criminal Minds and S.T. Abby’s The Mindf*ck Series, we were super stoked to share this with our readers and luckily, Blake is just my kind of crazy and was all in for writing it with me.

Mayhem is here! Shamelessly Loyal for Bay Ridge Royals

September 1, 2023

Happy Mayhem Day!

From the moment Lainey walked onto the page in the 82nd Street Vandals, I knew she was going to be one of my favorites. I wasn’t wrong. I am so stoked to celebrate the release of Shamelessly Loyal to kick off the Bay Ridge Royals. This first book is a “crossover” novella taking us into the viewpoints of Lainey and Milo and what was going on with them during the events of Dirty Devil and Brutal Fighter. While you do not need to read the Vandals prior to reading this novella, being familiar will enhance the material. This novella may also contain spoilers for the first few Vandals books as well.

Just something to keep in mind. The next book in the series, Battle Lines, releases next month and will be the first of five more (probably chonky) books. *winks* I can’t wait to hear what you think. As always, check the trigger warnings in the foreword.

Buckle up, this ride is just getting started…

Print book pending, it has been uploaded.

Your Money Shot is here! Completed Series Alert for Blue Ivy Prep

August 29, 2023

Sorry, couldn’t resist! It’s here! Release day! The fourth and final book in the Blue Ivy Prep series that kicked off with Problem Child is now complete. I feel like we just kicked this series off and at the same time that we’ve been with them forever.

It doesn’t feel like enough. But can it ever feel like enough with KC and the D*uchebags Three? I don’t think so…
Be sure to read the afterword y’all! *winks* I can’t wait to hear what you think. Finishing a series is always a little bittersweet, but this one actually felt kind of triumphant. I am so ready for what’s next…

Money Shot is book 4, so be sure to start with Problem Child.


Kaitlin Crosse wields an extraordinary power over me. She pushes, dares, and drives me to the brink of madness. Ever since our paths intertwined, my obsession with her has been absolute and unyielding.

Every aspect of her calls out to me, yet the very thing I yearn for the most might be forever beyond my grasp. She resists my attempts to possess and protect her. She refuses my claims, asserting her fiercely independent nature.

That same, unwavering self-reliance only intensifies my attraction to her, and ignites a fierce desire to eradicate the pain in her eyes. Pain we inflicted upon her. Pain her father has inflicted. Pain that the world relentlessly imposes upon her.

I don’t want to share her with anyone. Not my brothers. Not her friends. Not the world.

But that’s not what Ace needs…

And I need her.

So I have to become what she needs, and that means working with my brothers, her closest friends, and her family. It means fighting to keep her safe when the whole world seems to want to tear her apart.

I won’t let that happen.

We won’t.

Kaitlin Crosse, my ace, my fixation, and my future.

P.S. We are working on the paperback, just a little behind on getting the cover. Hopefully I’ll be loading up today!!

Cover Reveal Day! The Bay Ridge Royals are coming!

August 11, 2023

So excited to share the first covers for this new series designed by the fantastic Stephanie Heinritz at Vicious Desires Design!


Shamelessly Loyal is a crossover Vandals/Bay Ridge Royals novella and will officially serve as BOOK ONE of the Royals Series!  Releasing SEPTEMBER 1st!

Photographer: CJC Photography
Model: Lauren Summer

There’s a war brewing, and I’m right in the middle of it ready to crush anyone who gets in my way…

I was born into this world. Power and wealth are the keys to controlling it, but they aren’t everything. They are a means to an end when it comes to protecting the people I care about. 

I’ve known my destiny since I was old enough to sit at the table. Everything in my life has been focused on preparing me for the future. Know your enemies, your allies, and the people in the middle you can buy.  

When he first appeared in my life, I had no idea who he was, but I never forgot his pretty face. While it’s been years and I barely recognize him, I can’t get enough. He doesn’t belong in my world and he has no idea how truly dangerous it is. 

Turns out, I’ll do anything to save my best friend, cross any line, and destroy him if I have to…


Battle Lines, a FULL LENGTH Bay Ridge Royals novel, will now be releasing as BOOK TWO in the series on OCTOBER 17TH.
Photographer: Michelle Lancaster
Model: Dash Jett

Violence chose me a long time ago…

Survival isn’t everything. I’ve fought to protect my family. I’ve bled for them, killed for them, and gone to jail for them. There is no fight I will not take on for them…  

I’ve been waging this war since I was seven years old. The only thing that’s changed is the battlefield itself.

For Mayhem, I’ll trade in the grime of the streets for the illusions of her shimmering world. Only all that glitter is hiding a well of sin and corruption that leaves blood in its wake. This isn’t my world, but I won’t be defeated by it.

I may have lost battles before, but I won’t lose this one. If that means I have to drown in darkness, then it’s a price I’m willing to pay.

Both are available for preorder right now!

Mad Boys Is NOW AVAILABLE on Audio!

July 31, 2023

Mad Boys is now available on audio!  You can find it on Audible and via Amazon with it coming to the Apple Bookstore soon.  Michelle Sparks, JF Harding, Lucas Allen bring the second Blue Ivy Prep book to life. Don’t miss out on the deliciousness that is Mad Boys on Audio.

This is book 2 in the Blue Ivy Prep series, for book one, start with Problem Child.  Book 3 is currently being recorded.

Bay Ridge Royals Series Update!

July 30, 2023

I’m coming on behalf of Heather to give you some updates on the new Bay Ridge Royals Series.


Shamelessly Loyal is a crossover Vandals/Bay Ridge Royals novella and we’ve officially decided to publish this as BOOK ONE of the Royals Series! What does this mean for you? This spicy FIFTEEN CHAPTER novella will be publishing as book one of the Bay Ridge Royals series on SEPTEMBER 1st and will follow Lainey and Milo through a portion of the Vandals series. It’s available for preorder NOW!


Battle Lines, a FULL LENGTH Bay Ridge Royals novel, will now be releasing as BOOK TWO in the series on OCTOBER 17TH. It is also available for preorder TODAY.

If you previously preorder Battle Lines you will or already have received an email from Amazon letting you know about the date change. I know this is a few weeks further out than we had originally planned for Battle Lines, but this series has evolved SO much from where we originally started, it needed that extra little bit of time. We promise you won’t be disappointed when you see exactly what she’s been working on for you all. Thank you so much for all the support and understanding!



PA to Heather Long

Reckless Thief Now Available on Audio!

July 29, 2023

Reckless Thief is now available on audio!  You can find it on Audible and via Amazon with it coming to the Apple Bookstore soon.  Brooke Daniels, Noel Harrison, Toby Scott, and Adam Gold once again bring life to the 82nd Street Vandals characters. Don’t miss out on this deliciously captivating book on audio!

This is book 8 in the 82nd Street Vandals series, for book one, start with Savage Vandal.