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We’ve got your Money Shot here! Don’t miss the cover reveal!

July 14, 2023

As hard as it is to believe, we have the cover for the fourth and final book in the Blue Ivy Prep series. While it feels like we just launched on this journey, we’re setting the “stage” for the final show. I am so excited to share this with you. My hat is off to Stephanie Heinritz from Vicious Desires Design once again for the loving attention to detail. KC was on Problem Child, Jonas was on Mad Boys, Ramsey was on Party Crashers, so who else would we have on Money Shot but Mr. Ninja Kisser himself: Lachlan Nash.

The model is Anthony Patamisi by photographer Michelle Lancaster. It’s hard to express how excited I am to share this cover with you!

The book releases on August 29th. Summer just hot hotter.


Kaitlin Crosse wields an extraordinary power over me. She pushes, dares, and drives me to the brink of madness. Ever since our paths intertwined, my obsession with her has been absolute and unyielding.

Every aspect of her calls out to me, yet the very thing I yearn for the most might be forever beyond my grasp. She resists my attempts to possess and protect her. She refuses my claims, asserting her fiercely independent nature.

That same, unwavering self-reliance only intensifies my attraction to her, and ignites a fierce desire to eradicate the pain in her eyes. Pain we inflicted upon her. Pain her father has inflicted. Pain that the world relentlessly imposes upon her.

I don’t want to share her with anyone. Not my brothers. Not her friends. Not the world.

But that’s not what Ace needs…

And I need her.

So I have to become what she needs, and that means working with my brothers, her closest friends, and her family. It means fighting to keep her safe when the whole world seems to want to tear her apart.

I won’t let that happen.

We won’t.

Kaitlin Crosse, my ace, my fixation, and my future.

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