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New Cover Reveal: Don’t Let Go

July 11, 2024

The clock is ticking for Patch, Remy, McQuade, and Locke. Following the wild events of Talk to Me, Patch and company will have to dig in deep, uncover secrets, and figure out how to trust each other in order to survive.  Don’t Let Go is currently scheduled for release at the end of September. I’d like to move it up to August once I finish the book, and we’re close. So with that in mind, here’s your first look at the cover.  Designed by Cat at TRC Designs, she captured exactly what I could “see” in my head.

If you like your romance with a heavy side of plot, suspense, spy thriller shenanigans, and action set pieces, pull up a chair, grab the first book and dig in.

I’ve existed only in the shadows. My only connections forged through the veil of a computer screen. I was their voice in the dark, their operator. I was their lifeline until the day my past tore into my present and they had to become mine.

Captured, subjected to torture and relentless interrogation, I survived long enough for them to find me. I harbor no delusions; fleeing and disappearing again is not an option.

The only way to win is to fight. But to fight, you also have to be willing to risk everything. I was okay with that when the only one at risk was me.

Now, these three formidable men stand shoulder to shoulder, ready to wage war for me. A thief. A mercenary. An assassin. I can’t bear the thought of losing them.

I can’t.

I won’t.

I have only one choice, one path, we take the offensive. We go out together and we don’t let go.


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